September 1, 2009

August 2009 Minutes

We met at Café East because Boomers is temporarily closed. We will continue meeting here.

President Jim Cameron called the meeting to order and gave the invocation.

Secretary Pat Allen was not at last month’s meeting so she had no notes. Audience comments were ‘we had a good meeting, and got lots done.’

Treasurer Becky Rowell announced a balance of $xxxxx as of 8/6/2009 is. Becky has details.

Officer George Burris announced the arrival of Oakboro’s armored car named, Damon’s Ride. After updating us on the previous month’s ‘Calls’ he strongly recommended that everyone not leave anything in their cars and keep your car locked at all times.

Libby Phillips announced the Stanly County Chamber of Commerce Reverse Raffle on August 27th at the Senior Center. The next Business after Hours will be in Locust Town Center on September 10th.

Committee Updates
Oakboro Museum’s display is on Books.

Kevin Gullette, Director of Economic Development Commission discussed the EDC’s three goals:

1. Business Retention Program
2. Planned Growth (i.e., pre-approved building plans)
3. Strategic Marketing (Direct Marketing website and a Comprehensive Industrial Guide are being developed.)

Stanly County CVB
Chris Lambert, Director of CVB told us about a travel magazine promotion co-op advertisement that he has been developing.

A motion to adjourn was made by Becky Rowell and a second was made by everyone as we vacated the room.
