September 1, 2008

August 2008 Minutes

Annabelle Morgan called the meeting to order and Mayor Joyce Little gave the invocation
The June minutes were approved as read.
Annabelle gave an update on the balance in the bank account of $xxx as of 6/30/2008

Dana Stoogenke with the Rocky River Rural Planning Organization gave the group a power point presentation regarding a Comprehensive Transportation Plan for the Town of Oakboro to consider looking into.

Town of Oakboro---Larry Branch reported that the district park continues to grow with the current main project being the concession stand. Larry also mentioned Rodney Hahn is the new program administrator and maintenance person for the park. Larry mentioned a recent loan being completed to work towards more sewer improvements as well.

Convention & Visitors Bureau---Chris Lambert was on hand and gave some of the latest tourism statistics for Stanly County. One such statistic was a 7.2% increase in tourism from last year and the economic impact for Stanly Co. places us 45th out of the 100 counties in NC.

Chamber of Commerce---CaShaun Miller promoted the upcoming Chamber Reverse Raffle on August 23rd

Oakboro Fire & Rescue---Jim Cameron gave an update on the 50th Anniversary 4th of July. Jim stated the event was a huge success with this being one of the most profitable in recent history based on early numbers.

New Business/Discussion
Annabelle Morgan gave a web address for the GOBA’s new blog. That address is

Cruise-in – Annabelle mentioned the cruise in website and that they will be offering links to businesses on that website for $25 to help support the Oakboro Cruise In. Jerry Crayton thanked the local banks for allowing folks to use their facilities to park and encouraged others to help with supporting this event. Jerry mentioned some complaints on parking at the last event in July.

Ron Crawley announced that the Albemarle Downtown committee has changed their Old Fashioned Christmas event to Friday night this year to allow folks to visit this event and others throughout the county, most notably our events here in Oakboro.

Lisa Watts announced several music acts that will be performing regularly at Big John’s here in Oakboro.

Annabelle Morgan declared the meeting adjourned.