December 1, 2008

November 2008 Minutes

Jim Cameron called the meeting to order and gave the invocation.
The October minutes were approved with a motion from Ron Crawley and second from Bruce Rowell.
Jim gave an updated bank balance of $xxxxx.

Town of Oakboro---Larry Branch reported that the current project at the park was the amphitheater which is approximately 30% done and expected to be complete in the next week or so.

Oakboro Police Department—Chief Joe Lowder gave a report that the department responded to 240 calls in October and has cleared numerous cases including the 2 bank robberies. Chief Lowder also made mention that training continues to go on with all officers now being taser trained and certified. Chief Lowder reported that the department will be applying for a couple of grants in 2009 with one being a grant for park surveillance and the other being school safety for riding bikes/walking to school

Chamber of Commerce---Libby Phillips announced that the 2009 Chamber Planning Conference will be held on November 21st

CVB---Chris Lambert introduced Meredith Parker as the new assistant for the CVB and reminded everyone of the numerous Christmas events/parades upcoming

Tree Lighting Ceremony---Mayor Joyce Little announced the tentative schedule for December 4th. 6pm will be music in the mini-park on Main Street provided by DJ Gerald Lee. At 6:15pm the FBC Choir will perform on the steps of the church. At 6:30 pm the tree lighting ceremony will take place at the mini-park. Lisa Watts also mentioned that the Oakboro Music Hall/Fountain Grill will host Santa starting at 5pm that evening and after the parade as well.

West Stanly Players---Wes Tucker promoted the upcoming Mystery Dinner Theatre that the West Stanly Players will be putting on at the Music Hall on November 21st and 22nd and encouraged everyone to attend. Tickets to the event are $25 per person and include the full dinner theatre experience. A preview performance will be held on Thursday the 20th for a reduced price and will not include a dinner.

New Business/Discussion

The GOBA nominating committee for 2009 will consist of the following:

Pat Allen, Chair
Bob Barbee, member
Jim Cameron, member
Annabelle Morgan, member


Anabel Speight discussed activities that will be available on the day of the Christmas Parade (December 4th). These activities will include train rides for the kids, hay rides down Main Street, and a Business “Dress Up” Competition. All Main Street businesses are encouraged to join the Christmas spirit and decorate their windows. A small “contest” will be done to determine 3 winners.

Jim Cameron declared the meeting adjourned.

November 1, 2008

October 2008 Minutes

Annabelle Morgan called the meeting to order and Jim Cameron gave the invocation
The September minutes were approved as read.
Annabelle gave an update on the balance in the bank account of $xxxxxx as of 9/30/2008


Town of Oakboro---Mayor Joyce Little announced that on October 15th at 1:30pm in the fellowship hall of First Baptist Church, Congressman Robin Hayes and representatives from the USDA will be on hand to present a ceremonial check to the Town of Oakboro to represent a grant and the awarding of a loan to the town from the USDA.

Oakboro Police Department—Annabelle relayed a report from Chief Lowder with statistics from the last two months. In August the department responded to 136 calls and that number increased in September to 221 calls. The department cleared 8 felony cases last month and continues to experience numerous cases of metal theft and fraud.

Chamber of Commerce---CaShaun Miller introduced Libby Phillips as the new Chamber representative for the Western Stanly County market.

New Business/Discussion

Judith Williams, Operations Committee for the RR Museum, expressed the need for volunteers to help maintain the hours of operation for the museum itself.

Janet Sistare, Executive Director of the Stanly County United Way was on hand to give information on her organization. Janet mentioned a couple of new projects they are looking into which are a non-emergency information service, 211, and a “charity tracker” which would monitor who is receiving care through the organization.

Charles Collini, Candidate for Superior Court Judge spoke about the judicial structure of NC and our district.

Vivian Bridges was on hand to speak for Kevin Bridges, Candidate for Superior Court Judge


Bob Barbee spoke to the group about the status of the Music Hall and Fountain Grill (Big John’s) and reiterated the commitment that he and Terry Whitley have to the town in respect to the property. Bob mentioned that Lisa Watts is helping to keep the space “occupied” for special occasions and the music hall used as often as possible for various events.

Annabelle Morgan declared the meeting adjourned.

7pm Meeting – no attendees were present at the meeting offered at 7pm.

October 8, 2008

Greater Oakboro Business Association (GOBA) Mission Statement

The purpose of the Greater Oakboro Business Association shall be to promote the economic well-being of the community through the cooperative efforts of its members and the Town of Oakboro. Such efforts may include sponsoring and participating in special events, improving the appearance of the business district, furthering the economic development of the area, and providing information and material about the area to the general public.

Any business, organization, or individual in the Greater Oakboro area interested in promoting the purpose of the organization may become a member upon payment of annual dues.

Members of the Greater Oakboro Business Association shall elect the following officers at a general meeting in January:

President – shall prepare agendas and preside over meetings of the organization.
First Vice-President, president-elect - shall act in the absence of the president.
Second vice-president – shall act in the absence of the president and first vice-president.
Secretary – shall record and report minutes and mail appropriate notices to members.
Treasurer – shall maintain and report financial records of the organization.

The officers shall comprise the Executive Committee whose powers include authorizing emergency funds, calling special meetings, and setting agendas for general meetings.

The annual fee for membership for any business, organization, or individual is $25, payable in January and valid for the calendar year.

The fiscal year for the organization shall coincide with the calendar year.

The Executive Committee shall name standing committees to include the following:
Membership – responsible for contacting businesses and organizations in regard to membership.
Beautification – responsible for recommending changes in the appearance of the business district.

The president may name ad hoc committees as needed.

General meetings shall be held on the first Thursday of each month at noon in a local restaurant. Members and guests will have lunch and participate in the business of the organization within a one-hour time frame.

The general meetings for March and October may be held in the evening to give those people who cannot attend during the noon hour an opportunity to participate. These may be held at a time and place to be determined by the officers.

October 1, 2008

September 2008 Minutes

Annabelle Morgan called the meeting to order and Mayor Joyce Little gave the invocation
The August minutes were approved as read.
Annabelle gave an update on the balance in the bank account of $xxxxx as of 8/31/2008

Guest Speaker

Kevin Brickman from the Friends of the Land in Stanly County organization was on hand to give information regarding their organization.

Kathy Almond, director of the small business center at SCC was also on hand to explain more of what that department does for local business owners and potential business owners.


Town of Oakboro---Mayor Joyce Little reported that the Golf Cart Ordinance should go into effect after the October board meeting

Convention & Visitors Bureau---Chris Lambert reminded us to check the calendar for upcoming events but he did highlight the Best of Badin Festival coming up, as well as the Scottish Showcase also in Badin.

New Business/Discussion

Annabelle Morgan mentioned the Christmas parade and tree lighting service will be on December 4th.

Annabelle also promoted the October GOBA meetings of which there will be two on the 2nd of October. Our regular meeting will be held at 12 noon at Big John’s with a special night meeting to be held at 7pm in the fellowship hall of the Oakboro Presbyterian Church.

Cruise-in –Several discussion points were brought up regarding the monthly cruise-in.
1) David & Betsy Heath suggested further rest room facilities should be offered on the south end of town in the form of portable facilities. They even offered a location at their business to facilitate this.
2) Bob Barbee mentioned that the Cruise-In Committee is a group of volunteers that meets each month, two Monday’s prior to the upcoming cruise-in at Penny’s restaurant at 5pm to discuss planning/issues and encouraged folks to attend to bring up any issues regarding this event.
3) Bob Barbee also recognized Joe Lowder for his quick response to the parking issue raised at the August GOBA meeting and expressed gratitude to Chief Lowder for continuing to work to address this issue.

Mayor Little expressed her appreciation for all the work that the Cruise-In Committee does to make this event a success.


The Stanly Co Chamber of Commerce Business Expo will be held on Wednesday October 8th from 11am to 5pm at SRMC.

Annabelle Morgan announced she will be holding a seminar on “Intro to Grant Writing” on Sept. 18th from 6-9pm at the OPC fellowship hall.

Oakboro Museum: DVD’s are still available showing the history of the 4th of July celebrations through 1971. Fred Morgan will have a book signing at the museum in October. The cruise magazine detailing the Oakboro Cruise-In will be available at the museum as well.

Special Guest: Bruce and Becky Rowell introduced Gina Creson to the group as their special guest.

Annabelle Morgan declared the meeting adjourned.

September 1, 2008

August 2008 Minutes

Annabelle Morgan called the meeting to order and Mayor Joyce Little gave the invocation
The June minutes were approved as read.
Annabelle gave an update on the balance in the bank account of $xxx as of 6/30/2008

Dana Stoogenke with the Rocky River Rural Planning Organization gave the group a power point presentation regarding a Comprehensive Transportation Plan for the Town of Oakboro to consider looking into.

Town of Oakboro---Larry Branch reported that the district park continues to grow with the current main project being the concession stand. Larry also mentioned Rodney Hahn is the new program administrator and maintenance person for the park. Larry mentioned a recent loan being completed to work towards more sewer improvements as well.

Convention & Visitors Bureau---Chris Lambert was on hand and gave some of the latest tourism statistics for Stanly County. One such statistic was a 7.2% increase in tourism from last year and the economic impact for Stanly Co. places us 45th out of the 100 counties in NC.

Chamber of Commerce---CaShaun Miller promoted the upcoming Chamber Reverse Raffle on August 23rd

Oakboro Fire & Rescue---Jim Cameron gave an update on the 50th Anniversary 4th of July. Jim stated the event was a huge success with this being one of the most profitable in recent history based on early numbers.

New Business/Discussion
Annabelle Morgan gave a web address for the GOBA’s new blog. That address is

Cruise-in – Annabelle mentioned the cruise in website and that they will be offering links to businesses on that website for $25 to help support the Oakboro Cruise In. Jerry Crayton thanked the local banks for allowing folks to use their facilities to park and encouraged others to help with supporting this event. Jerry mentioned some complaints on parking at the last event in July.

Ron Crawley announced that the Albemarle Downtown committee has changed their Old Fashioned Christmas event to Friday night this year to allow folks to visit this event and others throughout the county, most notably our events here in Oakboro.

Lisa Watts announced several music acts that will be performing regularly at Big John’s here in Oakboro.

Annabelle Morgan declared the meeting adjourned.

August 22, 2008

Oakboro Cruise-In

The Greater Oakboro Business Association sponsors a major event monthly in Oakboro - a cruise-in. Classic cars, hot rods, kit cars, trucks and motorcycles line the streets the fourth Friday of each month beginning at 5:00 PM. Many regional car clubs drive down in groups to share their enthusiasm with the crowds. During the months of April through October, there is a burnout for those who want to join the crowds of thousands and see smoke billow, often until the tires blow out! Local restaurants and food vendors are available in this street carnival atmosphere. For more information and photos, go to

The Town of Oakboro also has information on its web site about the history of the town and current information. Check it out on

July 1, 2008

June 2008 Minutes

Jim Cameron called the meeting to order and gave the invocation
The May minutes were approved on a motion from Margaret Stewart, Ellen Little 2nd.
Jim gave an update on the balance in the bank account of $xxx as of 5/31/2008 (this includes the xxxxx allotment from the Town of Oakboro)

Jim Misenheimer was introduced and is a candidate for County Commissioner.

Current District Court Judge Tanya Wallace spoke to the group as a candidate for one of the two available seats at the Superior Court Level for our district (28). Judge Wallace gave descriptions of what types of cases District and Superior court judges hear and preside over.

Convention & Visitors Bureau---Chris Lambert mentioned several events coming up in Stanly County with the Big Lick Bluegrass Festival, Oakboro 4th of July, local cruise-in activities and a triathlon being just a few of the many.

Chamber of Commerce---Lisa Watts stated that the next West Stanly Business After Hours will be June 26th at Big John’s Smokehouse in Oakboro and asked for our support for this event. Lisa also mentioned a new website for information pertaining to Western Stanly County and Southern Cabarrus County located on the web at

Oakboro Fire & Rescue---Jim Cameron gave an update on the upcoming 50th Anniversary 4th of July with activities starting the weekend of June 27th. The Grand Marshall of the parade will be NC Commissioner of Agriculture, Steve Troxler.

New Business/Discussion

Tom House asked for our continued prayers for Debbie Cole in her coping with her sickness.

On a motion from Becky Rowell with a 2nd from Ellen Little, the next GOBA meeting scheduled for July 3rd was cancelled.

Annabelle Morgan declared the meeting adjourned

June 1, 2008

May 2008 Minutes

Annabelle Morgan called the meeting to order
Joyce Little gave the invocation
The April minutes were approved on a motion from Joyce Little, Ron Crawley 2nd.
Annabelle Morgan gave an updated balance of $xxxxx in the bank account as of 3/31/2008.

John Daniel was introduced as candidate for district court Judge.

County Commissioner Lindsey Dunevant & Commissioner Candidate Ron Crawley spoke to the group about a possible sales tax increase to cover budget shortfalls. The proposed increase would be a ¼ % increase in local sales tax which would generate approximately $1.3 million in increased revenue for the county. Mr. Dunevant & Mr. Crawley both encouraged voters to consider voting for this proposal as it seems to be the fairest way to raise the needed funds as opposed to a property tax increase to accomplish a similar outcome.

Old Business/Committee Reports

Joyce Little gave a report from the beautification committee. Mayor Little stated that the committee has been discussing moving the potted plants from along Main Street to one central location on the lot between Reggie Hinson’s Tax Office and Suntrust Bank. The lot will need some dirt moved in as well as gravel but will allow for better upkeep and maintenance. The beautification committee has asked for the support of GOBA. A motion was made to offer our support by Becky Rowell with a 2nd by Betsy Heath.

Oakboro Police Department—Lt. George Burris reported that the department responded to 181 calls in the month of March with 3 felonies taking place in the last week and a half. Lt. Burris encouraged everyone by stating that there are suspects in each of these cases.

Chamber of Commerce---Lisa Watts stated that the Business After Hours for West Stanly went extremely well and thanked GOBA for their support in this event.

New Business/Discussion

Jane Barnhardt asked the group for help with the upcoming exhibit at the museum for July 4th. Jane stated the exhibit needs pictures of things local families do or have done to celebrate the event each of the past 50 years.

Annabelle Morgan declared the meeting adjourned

May 1, 2008

April 2008 Minutes

Vice-President Jim Cameron called the meeting to order
Dr. Watts gave the invocation
The March minutes were approved on a motion from Joyce Little, Ron Crawley 2nd.
Jim Cameron gave an updated balance of $xxxxx in the bank account as of 2/28/2008.

Penny Welling, Director, Stanly County Public Library spoke to the group about the resources available to us as citizens of the county and asked that we help spread the word about the wonderful resources available to us here in Oakboro at our branch of the library.

Dr. Watts introduced Dana Jenkins as the newest member of the ministerial staff at First Baptist in Oakboro.

Old Business/Committee Reports
Jim Cameron asked that we continue to encourage folks to attend our monthly meetings.
Cruise-In: Jerry Crayton mentioned that we had a large turnout in March and made special mention of the Oakboro Police Department doing an excellent job of being visible at this event in order to help keep this a family-friendly event.

Mayor Little gave a report for the Town of Oakboro and read portions of a letter from the USPS stating that the new post office project is once again back on the “go”.

Oakboro Police Department—Chief Joe Lowder reported that fraud and metal theft continues to be the two biggest problems. Chief Lowder stated that the police department responded to approximately 150 calls in February. Chief Lowder also stated that the department has received approval for two separate grants. One of these being a $9,000 to equipment one of the vehicles with new equipment including a computer and the other grant being a $10,000 grant to go towards overtime and narcotics investigation.

Chamber of Commerce---Lisa Watts stated that the Business After Hours for West Stanly is on track for the April 24th date selected and will be held at the Locust Town Center

Oakboro Fire & Rescue---Jim Cameron gave us a quick rundown of the schedule of events which start as early as 6/20/08 and run through the July 4th Festivities ending on July 5th with a second fireworks display.

New Business/Discussion

Mayor Little read a proclamation declaring Thursday May 1, 2008 as the day the Town of Oakboro will observe the National Day of Prayer at the Main Street Park.

The normal GOBA meeting will directly follow this service at 12:30 at Big John’s Smokehouse.

Becky Rowell announced the Tea Party at the Presbyterian Church on April 12th from 11am to 12:30 pm. Proceeds will go to the church restoration fund.
Motion to adjourn was made by Joyce Little with a second by Becky Rowell.

April 1, 2008

March 2008 Minutes

President Annabelle Morgan called the meeting to order
Jim Cameron gave the invocation
Ryan Story read the minutes. The minutes were approved on a motion from Joyce Little, Bob Barbee 2nd.
There was no treasurer’s report given.

A special announcement was given by Joyce Little that the Town of Oakboro had been awarded the Cannon Foundation grant in the amount of $25,000. This will go towards the football/soccer fields at the park.


Dennis Joyner from the Stanly County Heath Department spoke to the group and gave us great information on the health of our communities and county as a whole.

Old Business/Committee Reports
Annabelle Morgan reported that all of the Welcome to Oakboro magazines are in and are being distributed at this time.

Joyce Little stated that the beautification committee is still working on ideas.

Larry Branch gave a report for the Town of Oakboro that there are 2 current projects working with the new Family Dollar store going up and the new Ruby Ridge subdivision being underway.

Oakboro Police Department—Chief Joe Lowder reported that fraud continues to be the biggest problem. Mr. Lowder asked that everyone be aware of these potential issues and to please report these instances so they can be pursued.

Chamber of Commerce---Lisa Watts stated that the Business After Hours for March will be held at Harmanco’s and that the first Business After Hours for West Stanly is on track for the April 24th date selected and will be held at the Locust Town Center

Open Discussion
Jane Barnhart announced a new antique exhibit at the Museum and invited everyone to stop in.

Annabelle Morgan declared the meeting adjourned.

March 1, 2008

February 2008 Minutes

President Annabelle Morgan called the meeting to order

Dr. Terrell Watts gave the invocation

Ryan Story read the minutes. The minutes were accepted as read.

Treasurer’s report was given by Annabelle Morgan and the balance xxxxxas of 1/31/08 is $5,034.09.

Jim Cameron reported that the guest speaker was to be Ted Hinson from the Big Lick Festival Park but Ted was called away on business at the last minute. Jim encouraged everyone that had not had a chance to visit the Festival Park to do so.

Old Business/Committee Reports

Membership—Jim Cameron gave a report that 47 requests for membership were mailed out and 21 payments of dues have been received to date. Jim mentioned that more requests would be mailed out

Jim also made mention of the next GOBA meeting being a night meeting at the Oakboro Fire Department. This could be an occasional, recurring change to the normal schedule depending on how it is received/attended.

Bob Barbee gave an update on the Cruise-In. Bob reported that several individuals are helping to plan the upcoming “season”. This year the event will be seeking to increase sponsorship as well as increase the number of vendors participating. The purpose for this is to help offset the cost of producing this event and to ultimately result in a net cost to GOBA of zero. Bob reported that anyone is welcome to help the “committee” in planning this event and the next meeting will be held on Monday February 18th at 5pm at Penny’s Restaurant. Jim Cameron posed the question of when the official kickoff is and Bob responded that the official “season” will remain April thru October and will take place on the 4th Friday of each month throughout the season.

Joyce Little gave an update on the beautification project and thanked those that have already volunteered to help. Bob Barbee mentioned that this area may be a potential area for a local Boy Scout troupe to help with.


Larry Branch gave a report for the Town of Oakboro: Mr. Branch stated that the caboose is in and ready for viewing as a part of the Railroad Museum. Mr. Branch also reported that the next big project will be the resurfacing of Main Street from 10th street down to the stoplight. This will take place sometime around September or October (not July 4th as the NCDOT had originally scheduled)

Oakboro Police Department—Chief Joe Lowder reported that fraud continues to be the biggest problem. Mr. Lowder also talked about new forms of fraud such as vishing, email hacking and counterfeit cashier’s checks. Mr. Lowder thanked those that participate in the hot fax/email program as it is a big help in apprehending those responsible for committing local crimes.

Convention and Visitors Bureau—Chris Lambert handed out the new Stanly County Travel Guide to the group and stated that the new website is up and running and can be found at or

Chamber of Commerce---Lisa Watts reported that the deadline for nominating for Small Business of the Year is February 8, 2008. Also the 1st West Stanly Business After Hours will take place on April 24th at Locust Town Center. Lisa asked GOBA to be co-sponsor in the even at no cost to the association. A motion was made to co-sponsor by Jim Cameron and a 2nd was made by Ron Crawley with a unanimous affirmation by the group.

Tom House presented the group with the 2008 edition of the Welcome to Oakboro magazine

Open Discussion

Jane Barnhart announced a new exhibit at the Museum and invited everyone to stop in.

Jim Cameron gave an update on the Afghan Sales---approximately 7 or 8 left out of the original 100+ originally available.

Annabelle Speight reported that only approximately 25 cookbooks out of an original amount of 547 were left. Mrs. Speight also mentioned that there are numerous community themed T-shirts, caps, & toboggans left. Annabelle also mentioned that it is time to begin working on the 4th of July books and asked for volunteers to help with attaining the advertisements for this year’s edition

Annabelle Morgan declared the meeting adjourned.

February 1, 2008

January 2008 Minutes

President Annabelle Morgan called the meeting to order
Dr. Terrell Watts gave the invocation

Lori Thomas read the minutes. Ron Crawley did add from the previous minutes that a discussion has begun on changing the date for the Albemarle Downtown Christmas possibly to a Saturday so it will not conflict with the Oakboro Christmas Parade. A motion to approve the minutes was made by Jim Cameron and a 2nd was made by Gerald Lee.

Treasurer’s report was given by Annabelle Morgan and the balance as of 12/31/07 is $xxxxx.

Jim Cameron recognized Joyce Little and presented her with a plaque for her years of service to GOBA as its president.

Joyce Little introduced Barbara Whitley, Executive Director for the Stanly County Partnership for Children (Smart Start) as the guest speaker.

Bob Barbee gave an update on the Oakboro Historic Properties Committee. He stated that the town has commissioned a committee to look into this project and the initial district proposed will be on S. Main St from Variety Convenience Store up to 5th Street, West to College St and East to Haywood St. Owners of property in this area have already been contacted about the proposal and one public meeting already held.

Old Business
Jim Cameron discussed Membership dues being due by the end of January and also encouraged everyone to invite new members.

Annabelle Morgan talked about the new Oakboro Magazine being delayed but hopes to have it out and in hands by the end of January.

Joyce Little gave an update on the beautification project and extended the invitation for volunteers to help.


Larry Branch gave a report for the Town of Oakboro: Mr. Branch stated that the trees on Main Street had been trimmed and cared for and he also gave an update on the district park with the newest addition being the pond aerator. He stated that work had been delayed at the park due to the abundance of rock but hoped to get back on track soon. A $2mm grant has been applied for by the town to go towards the water/sewer needs. The caboose was delayed due to the rain but should arrive in town for use soon. Mr. Branch also spoke to the next big project being the intersection improvements scheduled for the “5 point” area. Annabelle Morgan added that a hold has been placed on the application for the “Fit Community” Grant due to time constraints.

Oakboro Police Department—Lt. Burris reminded everyone to sign up for the hot fax/email program and explained this is a great way for the community to help them out in apprehending criminals.

Convention and Visitors Bureau—Chris Lambert gave an update that their website will soon be changing to but that the previous web address will continue to work for the upcoming year. The new visitor guide is out and Chris also stated that there will be numerous events throughout the year that he will be advertising once they are closer.

Chamber of Commerce---Lisa Watts spoke on the importance of being a part of a community business group and invited everyone to the first “Business After Hours” for the Western Stanly County market to be held at the Locust Town Center on April 1st.

Open Discussion

Jane Barnhart announced a new exhibit at the Museum entitled “Generations of Art”

Jim Cameron gave an update on the Afghan Sales---approximately 75 have been sold and a remainder of approximately 25 left to be sold.

Joyce Little recognized Dr. Watts on behalf of GOBA and the Town of Oakboro for his commitment and community involvement and presented him with one of the Oakboro afghans.

Tom House posed a question regarding the availability of printed information regarding GOBA. Annabelle Morgan responded that the officers would meet and discuss this prior to the next meeting.

A motion to adjourn was made by Joyce Little and a second was made by Ron Crawley