February 1, 2008

January 2008 Minutes

President Annabelle Morgan called the meeting to order
Dr. Terrell Watts gave the invocation

Lori Thomas read the minutes. Ron Crawley did add from the previous minutes that a discussion has begun on changing the date for the Albemarle Downtown Christmas possibly to a Saturday so it will not conflict with the Oakboro Christmas Parade. A motion to approve the minutes was made by Jim Cameron and a 2nd was made by Gerald Lee.

Treasurer’s report was given by Annabelle Morgan and the balance as of 12/31/07 is $xxxxx.

Jim Cameron recognized Joyce Little and presented her with a plaque for her years of service to GOBA as its president.

Joyce Little introduced Barbara Whitley, Executive Director for the Stanly County Partnership for Children (Smart Start) as the guest speaker.

Bob Barbee gave an update on the Oakboro Historic Properties Committee. He stated that the town has commissioned a committee to look into this project and the initial district proposed will be on S. Main St from Variety Convenience Store up to 5th Street, West to College St and East to Haywood St. Owners of property in this area have already been contacted about the proposal and one public meeting already held.

Old Business
Jim Cameron discussed Membership dues being due by the end of January and also encouraged everyone to invite new members.

Annabelle Morgan talked about the new Oakboro Magazine being delayed but hopes to have it out and in hands by the end of January.

Joyce Little gave an update on the beautification project and extended the invitation for volunteers to help.


Larry Branch gave a report for the Town of Oakboro: Mr. Branch stated that the trees on Main Street had been trimmed and cared for and he also gave an update on the district park with the newest addition being the pond aerator. He stated that work had been delayed at the park due to the abundance of rock but hoped to get back on track soon. A $2mm grant has been applied for by the town to go towards the water/sewer needs. The caboose was delayed due to the rain but should arrive in town for use soon. Mr. Branch also spoke to the next big project being the intersection improvements scheduled for the “5 point” area. Annabelle Morgan added that a hold has been placed on the application for the “Fit Community” Grant due to time constraints.

Oakboro Police Department—Lt. Burris reminded everyone to sign up for the hot fax/email program and explained this is a great way for the community to help them out in apprehending criminals.

Convention and Visitors Bureau—Chris Lambert gave an update that their website will soon be changing to visitstanley.com but that the previous web address will continue to work for the upcoming year. The new visitor guide is out and Chris also stated that there will be numerous events throughout the year that he will be advertising once they are closer.

Chamber of Commerce---Lisa Watts spoke on the importance of being a part of a community business group and invited everyone to the first “Business After Hours” for the Western Stanly County market to be held at the Locust Town Center on April 1st.

Open Discussion

Jane Barnhart announced a new exhibit at the Museum entitled “Generations of Art”

Jim Cameron gave an update on the Afghan Sales---approximately 75 have been sold and a remainder of approximately 25 left to be sold.

Joyce Little recognized Dr. Watts on behalf of GOBA and the Town of Oakboro for his commitment and community involvement and presented him with one of the Oakboro afghans.

Tom House posed a question regarding the availability of printed information regarding GOBA. Annabelle Morgan responded that the officers would meet and discuss this prior to the next meeting.

A motion to adjourn was made by Joyce Little and a second was made by Ron Crawley