November 19, 2006

GOBA Member Web Site Addresses

Hello GOBA Members:

If you want to post your website address on this site, please send the information to me and I'll post it.

Linking is another way for us to gain momentium in letting folks know who we are and what we do.

Looking forward to hearing from you, Pat

November 1, 2006

October 2006 Minutes

President Joyce Little called the meeting to order.

Joyce Little gave the invocation.

Secretary Pat Allen read the minutes. On a motion by Felix Hinson and second by Georgia Harvey the minutes were approved but with an edit about Michael Lackey’s film editing.

Treasurer Reggie Hinson gave the Treasurer’s report; the association has (withheld) with all current bills paid.

Guest Speaker
Karen Thomas introduced a few programs from Oakboro Wireless to the membership. Thank you, Karen.

Marketing Update
Greta Lint reported the following:
· The GOBA Strategic Marketing Plan has been finished.
· It includes an annual advertising budget of $10,000.
· She would like to introduce it to us via a PowerPoint Presentation because the membership must approve both the plan and the advertising budget.
· She would like to make three 30-minute presentations: 1) one during the day at noon, 2) one during an evening meeting at 7:00 p.m., and 3) for the City Council.
· Annabelle Morgan will write News Releases announcing these meeting times and locations.
o November 2nd is the date for the membership presentations; 7.00 p.m. at the Fountain Grille.
o November 7th is the date for the City Council presentations; 7:00 p.m. at City Hall.

Old Business
A suggestion was made to cancel the Old Fashioned Christmas because no one came forward to manage the event. On a motion by Annabelle and a second by Jerry Crayton, the vote to cancel the event was carried.

Annabelle Morgan and Tom House spoke about the Oakboro Magazine
· This edition has exceeded last year’s advertising; it is thicker by about 12 to 15 pages (approximately 44 pages).
· It has a new flavor and ideas.
· The Quality of Life theme is a vibrant part of this edition, along with many new business ads.
· About 20,000 copies will be printed.
· The magazine release has been delayed until the end of the year.

Jerry Crayton said that a new band, The Collections, would be at the next Cruise-In.

Jim Cameron updated the group on the Christmas Parade
· The parade will be sponsored by Oakboro Fire and Rescue.
· The Oakboro Christmas Parade will be on November 30th at 7:00 p.m.
· Pre-parade activities at the Oakboro Museum, kid’s rides, hay rides, and tree lighting ceremony will be between 5:30 p.m. and 7:00 p.m.
· A suggestion was made that GOBA sponsor the tree lighting service. Joyce will ask Oakboro’s Mayor to participate in the tree lighting. On a motion by Bob Barbee and a second by Jerry Sharp, this motion was carried.

Chris Lambert of the Convention and Visitors Bureau reminded everyone of local October events, (e.g., the Oyster Roast, CVB website update (

Larry Branch said that the sidewalk construction should continue through October but be completed in November. Should.

New Business
Georgia Harvey said that Phase Three of the District Park will be discussed at the next Town meeting. She encouraged everyone to come and offer their suggestions for this Phase.

Bob Barbee thanked everyone for coming to the Rail Road Museum’s ground breaking. It’s happening!
Rail Road Museum promotion that will be held at the Oakboro Museum on Sunday November 5th between 2:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. He encouraged everyone to become museum members. The RR Museum needs historical memorabilia for display.
· Bill Bartosh will donate a caboose – but it needs renovation. To raise money for the remodeling, the RR Museum will need items to sale.
· The Scots are looking for a community project. Maybe this would work for them.
· Pedestrian walkways between the District Park and the RR Museum are being considered.

Bob then introduced a new business that is considering Oakboro as their home site. Bill Bartosh, of Aberdeen Carolina and Western (AC&W) RR, met two gentlemen who were looking for a site for their Rail Road Dinner Excursions. He suggested Oakboro because of its new Rail Road Museum.

Mark Vaughn, President, and Greg Webber, Vice President, visited the construction site where they met Terry Whitley. After touring the site, they talked with Bob Barbee who suggested a tour of Oakboro the next day.

Description of the excursion tour:
· The train excursion tour will have two dinning cars that seat 112 people each. Tours will be on Friday and Saturday nights, and Sunday afternoon for about three and one-half hours. Special tours will be on Holidays and by reservation. Guests enjoy a Four Star Dinner.
· Doing the math: If each tour has 224 people four times a month, times 50 weeks a year; then approximately 44,800 people will be visiting Oakboro annually. These people will need accommodations and they will shop.
· Approximately 10 full-time jobs and 30 part-time jobs will be needed.
· There is a high probability that this business will relocate to Oakboro. The decision is expected to be made by the end of October.
· If this decision is made, then Mark Vaughn, Greg Webber, and their families will be relocating to Oakboro by December of this year.
· Bill Bartosh is supporting this business endeavor 100 percent.
· Watch for announcements as progress is made.

Lindsey Dunevant talked about how he might be able to assist with grant applications through his new position as Regional Consultant to the Recreation Resources Services, a Division of Parks and Recreation under the Department of Environmental and Natural Resources. His office is expected to be at the Agri-Civic Center in early December.

Linda Sharp said that she appreciated the evening meeting and would like to be able to access GOBA’s Minutes via a website. Georgia Harvey suggested that we put the Minutes on the Town’s website. Pat will contact Bob Harvey and see about getting the minutes on the site.

Annabelle moved for adjournment and Georgia seconded. The motion carried.


During a RR Museum committee meeting the following week, a decision was made to change the Strategic Plan Presentation dates.
· The Town Hall presentation will be made on November 6th at 7:00 p.m. at Town Hall.
· The GOBA presentations will be made on November 9th at noon and at 7:00 p.m. at the Fountain Grill.
· The Monthly GOBA Meeting will be held on November 9th instead of November 2nd.
· News Releases have been sent to the local media announcing this change.