October 14, 2009

GOBA Members: Send in your blog addresses

If you want to promote your business online, then send in your email address and/or your blog address so we can get it listed on the GOBA blog.

Use the link address below.

October 8, 2009

Fixed the Archived Minutes

Whew! What a challenge! Thank goodness for Blogger Help. It took a few minutes to figure out the correct key words to search. NOW the archived minutes are in order. Check 'em out.

Good morning

GOBA meets the first Thursday of every month in Oakboro, NC. Beginning at noon, we've been meeting at Cafe East. You'll find it. Locate City Hall then drive around the block on the east side. Check back frequently, though. We have been known to make changes.

October 6, 2009

GOBA Blog Updates

Welcome to the most current version of GOBA's blog. Please spend a few minutes to become acquainted with your new blog. It's our technological tool for online public relations and marketing.

The  more we use our blog, the more 'spiders' will notice it and the more 'popular' it will be come. That's why I've added the GOBA Member Blogs and GOBA Member Websites; so we can all broadcast and promote our businesses online. I've included as many Oakboro websites and blogs that I can find so if you know of one and it isn't linked here, please send me the link and I'll put it up. The more blogs we have interacting among each other, the better our 'traffic' will be.

I'll be happy to answer any questions that you might have -- if I can. I've been working with as many social media formats as I can find. They're all different, sigh. It's been a learning spike instead of a learning curve.

Most sincerely, Pat Allen, Seceetary

October 5, 2009

October 1, 2009

September 2009 Minutes

Vice-President Ryan Story called the meeting to order and gave the invocation.

The minutes were approved as read with one modification: the August treasury has $xxx. Pat will update last month’s minutes to record this correction.

Treasurer Becky Rowell announced a balance of $xxxx as of 9/3/09. Please see Becky for details.

Chief Lowder gave us an update of his department’s calls. His recommendations are for all of us to become and stay aware of area happenings. Communicating among ourselves and staying informed are our best protection.

Event Updates
Jane Barnhart told us that the museum brochures would be ready by October 1st. The current exhibit at the museum is Books.

Becky Rowell addressed the Town’s Christmas activities. Volunteers are needed for judging storefront displays. Winners will be announced at the Christmas tree lighting ceremonies, which begin at 6:30 p.m. followed by the parade at 7:00 p.m. on December 3rd.

Brenda Honeycutt talked about the West Stanly High School Boosters Athletic Program.

The Cruise-In Committee donated some money to Harry Nance, a long-time vendor and neighbor, to go toward some of his medical expenses.

Meredith Hudson told us about the Cast for Cash event and handed out several posters.

The Magazine Committee will have more information about the magazine’s future at the next meeting.

A motion to adjourn was made by Becky Rowell and a second was made by everyone as we vacated the room.
14 people were in attendance

September 1, 2009

August 2009 Minutes

We met at Café East because Boomers is temporarily closed. We will continue meeting here.

President Jim Cameron called the meeting to order and gave the invocation.

Secretary Pat Allen was not at last month’s meeting so she had no notes. Audience comments were ‘we had a good meeting, and got lots done.’

Treasurer Becky Rowell announced a balance of $xxxxx as of 8/6/2009 is. Becky has details.

Officer George Burris announced the arrival of Oakboro’s armored car named, Damon’s Ride. After updating us on the previous month’s ‘Calls’ he strongly recommended that everyone not leave anything in their cars and keep your car locked at all times.

Libby Phillips announced the Stanly County Chamber of Commerce Reverse Raffle on August 27th at the Senior Center. The next Business after Hours will be in Locust Town Center on September 10th.

Committee Updates
Oakboro Museum’s display is on Books.

Kevin Gullette, Director of Economic Development Commission discussed the EDC’s three goals:

1. Business Retention Program
2. Planned Growth (i.e., pre-approved building plans)
3. Strategic Marketing (Direct Marketing website and a Comprehensive Industrial Guide are being developed.)

Stanly County CVB
Chris Lambert, Director of CVB told us about a travel magazine promotion co-op advertisement that he has been developing.

A motion to adjourn was made by Becky Rowell and a second was made by everyone as we vacated the room.


July 1, 2009

June 2009 Minutes

President Jim Cameron called the meeting to order.

Dr. Terrell Watts gave the invocation.

Jim Cameron read the Minutes from last month’s meeting. A motion to accept the Minutes as read was made and seconded.

Treasurer’s report was given by Becky Rowell and the balance as of 6/4/2009 is $xxxxx. For more details, please see Becky.

Blood drive today at the elementary school.

Chamber of Commerce upcoming events includes a Business After Hours at Seven Oaks Hardware on Main Street on June 18th.

Committee Updates

Cruise In

• Jerry Crayton has received several positive comments about the events, the cars, and about the Fox Network publicity.

• The insurance company has given us a good deal on increased coverage: Currently we have $1M coverage for $1800.00 but for $2 M coverage would cost an additional $80.00. Becky Rowell made a motion that we accept this increased insurance coverage; Bob Barbee seconded the motion.

• The Cruise In committee meets at Penny’s on June 15th at 5:00 p.m. everyone is invited to participate.

• The Burnout begins next month. The T-shirts are ready.

• Several non-profit groups have asked to have booths during the events. Following the same guidelines as last year, two non-profits are invited at each Cruise In; they may setup their tables in the Mini Park.

Larry Branch advised us that Highway 205 will be closed for railroad crossing construction for three weeks. They SHOULD be finished by July 1st.

Tom House said that the Oakboro Magazine Committee is investigating options for its look and communication strategy for next year. When the Committee has completed its research, it will make a proposal to GOBA. Debbie Cole is doing well.

Bob Barbee talked about the recent Museum Membership Drive. The Tenth Anniversary of the Historical Foundation is approaching. The Railroad Museum is in good order and appreciates the volunteers who work to keep it open. The Presbyterian Church is in need of repairs so that it may host weddings and receptions in the Sanctuary and Fellowship Hall.

A motion to adjourn was made by Becky Rowell and a second was made by everyone as we vacated the room.


June 5, 2009

Shorter blog address

The Greater Oakboro Business Association blog address has been changed to the following:


I got tired of typing in that l-o-n-g address. Hope you all like this shorter/simpler address, too.

May 1, 2009

April 2009 Minutes

Vice President Ryan Story called the meeting to order.

Dr. Terrell Watts gave the invocation.

Secretary Pat Allen read the Minutes from last month’s meeting. A motion to approve the minutes, with minor corrections, was made by Annabelle Morgan and a 2nd was made by Betsy Heath.

Treasurer’s report was given by Becky Rowell and the balance as of 4/2/2009 is $xxxxxx. For more details, please see Becky.

Kevin Gullet, director of the Stanly County Economic Development, offered to be a future speaker.

• Chief Lowder gave an update on his department’s activities. He strongly encouraged everyone to keep his department current with your contact information.

• Mayor Little reminded everyone that the first Thursday in May is National Day of Prayer.

• Chris Lambert announced the Outdoor Heritage Days at the Fork Stables.

• Libby Phillips told us about three Chamber events:

o Ribbon Cutting at the Looking Glass on May 1st ;

o Business After Hours for April 23 hosted by Mauney Home and Garden in Norwood; and

o Membership Drive now through the end of April.

• Ron Crawley told us about:

o Chamber of Commerce golf tournament beginning June 25th through May 5th ; entry deadline is April 13th ; and,

o Uwharrie Senior Games on April 13 for folks over 55 years of age sponsored by the Parks and Recreation and the Senior Center.

• The Oakboro Museum’s exhibit of tools will continue until the end of May

Committee Updates
Bob Barbee brought us up to date on the Cruise In; it was rained out but expects a larger turnout next month.

• Cruise In Committee meets on Monday evening of the week prior to the burn out.

A calendar has been further developed to showcase a special car each month. For more information, please contact Becky Rowell. If you are interested in placing an ad for the 2010 calendar, please see Becky. All proceeds are for Cruise-In expenses.

Speaker Paul Jenkins of 704 youth organization talked about his youth ministry and how he wants to build a youth center for Stanly County. He talked about many youth problem issues within Stanly county then described the key benefits of 704. He closed by discussing many ways we could help youth in Stanly County.

Old Business
• Bob Barbee told us that the legal draft for GOBA’s non-profit status has been completed and that it is still being pursued.

• 2009 Oakboro Magazine has been printed (7500 copies) and are warehoused at Rowell Screen printing. He acknowledged the efforts of ColdHouse Publishing, Annabelle Morgan, Becky Rowell, and Pat Allen as editors.

A motion to adjourn was made by Becky Rowell and a second was made by everyone as we vacated the room.


March 1, 2009

March 2009 Minutes

President Jim Cameron called the meeting to order.

Dr. Terrell Watts gave the invocation.

Jim Cameron asked if anyone had any updates or corrections from last month’s minutes. A motion to approve the minutes was made by Joyce Little and a 2nd was made by Bruce Rowell.

Treasurer’s report was given by Becky Rowell and the balance as of 3/5/2009 is $xxx. For more details, please see Becky.


Libby Phillips of the Chamber announced upcoming events:

1. To attend the Legislative Breakfast, reservations must be made by March 16th; and

2. Chamber after Hours on June 18 will be hosted by Seven Oaks Hardware and Doors as part of their 20th Anniversary Celebration.

Chief Lowder gave an update on his department’s activities. He strongly encouraged everyone to lock their car doors. In keeping with the County’s educational requirements, Lt. Crayton is in training to become certified as a CSI investigator. The Oakboro Police Department is the first agency in Stanly County to send an officer for training.

Martha Stuart announced an upcoming Golf Tournament.

Ron Crowley encouraged everyone to become a Friend of the Stanly County Senior Center, which is the fundraising arm of the Senior Center.


Donna Harwood described the function of OASIS and told us how we could help. OASIS is for Stanly County residents 60 years old or older who need assistance. Volunteers are need who could serve as drivers, home repair, and donations are always appreciated.

April and Andy Morris of AExcellent Telecommunications were introduced as guests by Becky Rowell. Welcome.

Committee Updates

The magazine has been reviewed, edited, and should be ready before the next Cruise-In.

Oakboro Regional Museum will have a display on quilting until the end of March then a display on vintage tools through May.

2009 Cruise-In Calendars by Becky Rowell are on sale for $5.00 each. If you are interested in placing an ad for the 2010 calendar, please see Becky. All proceeds are for Cruise-In expenses.

Jerry Crayton said that he is getting positive feed back about trailer parking spaces.

Ron Crowley gave us an update on his wife; she is doing well.

A motion to adjourn was made by Joyce Little and a second was made by everyone as we vacated the room.


January 1, 2009

December 2008 Minutes

Annabelle Morgan called the meeting to order & Dr. Watts gave the invocation.
The November minutes were approved as read.
Annabelle gave an updated bank balance of $xxx


Oakboro Police Department—Chief Joe Lowder gave a report that the department responded to 157 calls in November including 6 felonies. Chief Lowder mentioned counterfeit $5 bills being circulated and advised everyone to be on the lookout for those. Also, so far there have been 3 golf carts registered under the new town ordinance. Anyone interested in registering a golf cart is advised to contact the Oakboro Police Department.

Chamber of Commerce---Libby Phillips announced that the new Stanly Co. maps sponsored by the chamber are available as well as the new Scenes magazines.

CVB---Chris Lambert mentioned several area Christmas parades that are upcoming and mentioned the CVB working on a wine festival/golf tournament for April 18, 2009.

Tree Lighting Ceremony---Mayor Joyce Little reminded everyone that this will take place at 6:30 pm at the Main Street Park. Anabel Speight mentioned the storefront Christmas decorating “contest” and expressed appreciation for the participation level the Main Street businesses have shown.

Cruise-In Committee --- Bob Barbee gave and update that this committee continues to meet and is focusing on the upcoming, 2009 primary season. The next meeting for this committee will be held on Monday, December 8th at Penny’s in Oakboro.

New Business/Discussion

Larry Branch read a resolution in support of the Town of Oakboro seeking funds for Phase Four of the District Park. Mr. Branch explained what the next phase is for and that the town is in the process of applying for a grant to cover ½ of the total cost which is approximately $307,000. The resolution was presented seeking the support of GOBA. Ron Crawley made a motion to support the resolution with a second from Pat Allen. A unanimous vote by the members present passed the resolution.

Revision of By-Laws – Annabelle Morgan presented changes made to the existing GOBA By-Laws with a motion to pass coming from Becky Rowell and a 2nd from Jane Barnhardt. A unanimous vote by members present passed the motion.

Discussion of Non-profit status – open discussion was held regarding the “status” of our organization with the statement that currently we have no legal status. The proposal was made to research incorporating GOBA and then seeking non-profit status. The motion to explore this further was made by Jim Cameron and was seconded by Joyce Little. A unanimous vote by members present passed the motion.

Lisa Watts stated there would be a New Year’s Eve show at the Music Hall with the “Legends” group performing. This event will go from 8pm to 1am

Jane Barnhardt reminded everyone that the Oakboro Lion’s Club is selling luminaries that will be on display from December 19th through the 21st.


The January meeting date was moved to January 8, 2009 with a motion from Becky Rowell and second from Jim Cameron. A unanimous vote by members present passed the motion.

Nominating Committee Report – Pat Allen, chairperson, announced the proposed 2009 officers for GOBA as follows:

President: Jim Cameron
Vice-President: Ryan Story
Treasurer: Becky Rowell
Secretary: Leslie Mullikin & Bethany Ross

Pat Allen brought this as a motion from the nominating committee and a second was made by Ron Crawley. A unanimous vote by members present passed the motion.

Annabelle Morgan declared the meeting adjourned.

December 2008 Minutes

Annabelle Morgan called the meeting to order & Dr. Watts gave the invocation.

The November minutes were approved as read.

Annabelle gave an updated bank balance of $4,681.75

Oakboro Police Department—Chief Joe Lowder gave a report that the department responded to 157 calls in November including 6 felonies. Chief Lowder mentioned counterfeit $5 bills being circulated and advised everyone to be on the lookout for those. Also, so far there have been 3 golf carts registered under the new town ordinance. Anyone interested in registering a golf cart is advised to contact the Oakboro Police Department.

Chamber of Commerce---Libby Phillips announced that the new Stanly Co. maps sponsored by the chamber are available as well as the new Scenes magazines.

CVB---Chris Lambert mentioned several area Christmas parades that are upcoming and mentioned the CVB working on a wine festival/golf tournament for April 18, 2009.

Tree Lighting Ceremony---Mayor Joyce Little reminded everyone that this will take place at 6:30 pm at the Main Street Park. Anabel Speight mentioned the storefront Christmas decorating “contest” and expressed appreciation for the participation level the Main Street businesses have shown.

Cruise-In Committee --- Bob Barbee gave and update that this committee continues to meet and is focusing on the upcoming, 2009 primary season. The next meeting for this committee will be held on Monday, December 8th at Penny’s in Oakboro.

New Business/Discussion
Larry Branch read a resolution in support of the Town of Oakboro seeking funds for Phase Four of the District Park. Mr. Branch explained what the next phase is for and that the town is in the process of applying for a grant to cover ½ of the total cost which is approximately $307,000. The resolution was presented seeking the support of GOBA. Ron Crawley made a motion to support the resolution with a second from Pat Allen. A unanimous vote by the members present passed the resolution.

Revision of By-Laws – Annabelle Morgan presented changes made to the existing GOBA By-Laws with a motion to pass coming from Becky Rowell and a 2nd from Jane Barnhardt. A unanimous vote by members present passed the motion.

Discussion of Non-profit status – open discussion was held regarding the “status” of our organization with the statement that currently we have no legal status. The proposal was made to research incorporating GOBA and then seeking non-profit status. The motion to explore this further was made by Jim Cameron and was seconded by Joyce Little. A unanimous vote by members present passed the motion.

Lisa Watts stated there would be a New Year’s Eve show at the Music Hall with the “Legends” group performing. This event will go from 8pm to 1am

Jane Barnhardt reminded everyone that the Oakboro Lion’s Club is selling luminaries that will be on display from December 19th through the 21st.

The January meeting date was moved to January 8, 2009 with a motion from Becky Rowell and second from Jim Cameron. A unanimous vote by members present passed the motion.

Nominating Committee Report – Pat Allen, chairperson, announced the proposed 2009 officers for GOBA as follows:

President: Jim Cameron
Vice-President: Ryan Story
Treasurer: Becky Rowell
Secretary: Leslie Mullikin & Bethany Ross

Pat Allen brought this as a motion from the nominating committee and a second was made by Ron Crawley. A unanimous vote by members present passed the motion.

Annabelle Morgan declared the meeting adjourned.