March 1, 2008

February 2008 Minutes

President Annabelle Morgan called the meeting to order

Dr. Terrell Watts gave the invocation

Ryan Story read the minutes. The minutes were accepted as read.

Treasurer’s report was given by Annabelle Morgan and the balance xxxxxas of 1/31/08 is $5,034.09.

Jim Cameron reported that the guest speaker was to be Ted Hinson from the Big Lick Festival Park but Ted was called away on business at the last minute. Jim encouraged everyone that had not had a chance to visit the Festival Park to do so.

Old Business/Committee Reports

Membership—Jim Cameron gave a report that 47 requests for membership were mailed out and 21 payments of dues have been received to date. Jim mentioned that more requests would be mailed out

Jim also made mention of the next GOBA meeting being a night meeting at the Oakboro Fire Department. This could be an occasional, recurring change to the normal schedule depending on how it is received/attended.

Bob Barbee gave an update on the Cruise-In. Bob reported that several individuals are helping to plan the upcoming “season”. This year the event will be seeking to increase sponsorship as well as increase the number of vendors participating. The purpose for this is to help offset the cost of producing this event and to ultimately result in a net cost to GOBA of zero. Bob reported that anyone is welcome to help the “committee” in planning this event and the next meeting will be held on Monday February 18th at 5pm at Penny’s Restaurant. Jim Cameron posed the question of when the official kickoff is and Bob responded that the official “season” will remain April thru October and will take place on the 4th Friday of each month throughout the season.

Joyce Little gave an update on the beautification project and thanked those that have already volunteered to help. Bob Barbee mentioned that this area may be a potential area for a local Boy Scout troupe to help with.


Larry Branch gave a report for the Town of Oakboro: Mr. Branch stated that the caboose is in and ready for viewing as a part of the Railroad Museum. Mr. Branch also reported that the next big project will be the resurfacing of Main Street from 10th street down to the stoplight. This will take place sometime around September or October (not July 4th as the NCDOT had originally scheduled)

Oakboro Police Department—Chief Joe Lowder reported that fraud continues to be the biggest problem. Mr. Lowder also talked about new forms of fraud such as vishing, email hacking and counterfeit cashier’s checks. Mr. Lowder thanked those that participate in the hot fax/email program as it is a big help in apprehending those responsible for committing local crimes.

Convention and Visitors Bureau—Chris Lambert handed out the new Stanly County Travel Guide to the group and stated that the new website is up and running and can be found at or

Chamber of Commerce---Lisa Watts reported that the deadline for nominating for Small Business of the Year is February 8, 2008. Also the 1st West Stanly Business After Hours will take place on April 24th at Locust Town Center. Lisa asked GOBA to be co-sponsor in the even at no cost to the association. A motion was made to co-sponsor by Jim Cameron and a 2nd was made by Ron Crawley with a unanimous affirmation by the group.

Tom House presented the group with the 2008 edition of the Welcome to Oakboro magazine

Open Discussion

Jane Barnhart announced a new exhibit at the Museum and invited everyone to stop in.

Jim Cameron gave an update on the Afghan Sales---approximately 7 or 8 left out of the original 100+ originally available.

Annabelle Speight reported that only approximately 25 cookbooks out of an original amount of 547 were left. Mrs. Speight also mentioned that there are numerous community themed T-shirts, caps, & toboggans left. Annabelle also mentioned that it is time to begin working on the 4th of July books and asked for volunteers to help with attaining the advertisements for this year’s edition

Annabelle Morgan declared the meeting adjourned.