July 1, 2008

June 2008 Minutes

Jim Cameron called the meeting to order and gave the invocation
The May minutes were approved on a motion from Margaret Stewart, Ellen Little 2nd.
Jim gave an update on the balance in the bank account of $xxx as of 5/31/2008 (this includes the xxxxx allotment from the Town of Oakboro)

Jim Misenheimer was introduced and is a candidate for County Commissioner.

Current District Court Judge Tanya Wallace spoke to the group as a candidate for one of the two available seats at the Superior Court Level for our district (28). Judge Wallace gave descriptions of what types of cases District and Superior court judges hear and preside over.

Convention & Visitors Bureau---Chris Lambert mentioned several events coming up in Stanly County with the Big Lick Bluegrass Festival, Oakboro 4th of July, local cruise-in activities and a triathlon being just a few of the many.

Chamber of Commerce---Lisa Watts stated that the next West Stanly Business After Hours will be June 26th at Big John’s Smokehouse in Oakboro and asked for our support for this event. Lisa also mentioned a new website for information pertaining to Western Stanly County and Southern Cabarrus County located on the web at www.weststanlync.com

Oakboro Fire & Rescue---Jim Cameron gave an update on the upcoming 50th Anniversary 4th of July with activities starting the weekend of June 27th. The Grand Marshall of the parade will be NC Commissioner of Agriculture, Steve Troxler.

New Business/Discussion

Tom House asked for our continued prayers for Debbie Cole in her coping with her sickness.

On a motion from Becky Rowell with a 2nd from Ellen Little, the next GOBA meeting scheduled for July 3rd was cancelled.

Annabelle Morgan declared the meeting adjourned