December 1, 2008

November 2008 Minutes

Jim Cameron called the meeting to order and gave the invocation.
The October minutes were approved with a motion from Ron Crawley and second from Bruce Rowell.
Jim gave an updated bank balance of $xxxxx.

Town of Oakboro---Larry Branch reported that the current project at the park was the amphitheater which is approximately 30% done and expected to be complete in the next week or so.

Oakboro Police Department—Chief Joe Lowder gave a report that the department responded to 240 calls in October and has cleared numerous cases including the 2 bank robberies. Chief Lowder also made mention that training continues to go on with all officers now being taser trained and certified. Chief Lowder reported that the department will be applying for a couple of grants in 2009 with one being a grant for park surveillance and the other being school safety for riding bikes/walking to school

Chamber of Commerce---Libby Phillips announced that the 2009 Chamber Planning Conference will be held on November 21st

CVB---Chris Lambert introduced Meredith Parker as the new assistant for the CVB and reminded everyone of the numerous Christmas events/parades upcoming

Tree Lighting Ceremony---Mayor Joyce Little announced the tentative schedule for December 4th. 6pm will be music in the mini-park on Main Street provided by DJ Gerald Lee. At 6:15pm the FBC Choir will perform on the steps of the church. At 6:30 pm the tree lighting ceremony will take place at the mini-park. Lisa Watts also mentioned that the Oakboro Music Hall/Fountain Grill will host Santa starting at 5pm that evening and after the parade as well.

West Stanly Players---Wes Tucker promoted the upcoming Mystery Dinner Theatre that the West Stanly Players will be putting on at the Music Hall on November 21st and 22nd and encouraged everyone to attend. Tickets to the event are $25 per person and include the full dinner theatre experience. A preview performance will be held on Thursday the 20th for a reduced price and will not include a dinner.

New Business/Discussion

The GOBA nominating committee for 2009 will consist of the following:

Pat Allen, Chair
Bob Barbee, member
Jim Cameron, member
Annabelle Morgan, member


Anabel Speight discussed activities that will be available on the day of the Christmas Parade (December 4th). These activities will include train rides for the kids, hay rides down Main Street, and a Business “Dress Up” Competition. All Main Street businesses are encouraged to join the Christmas spirit and decorate their windows. A small “contest” will be done to determine 3 winners.

Jim Cameron declared the meeting adjourned.

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