October 6, 2009

GOBA Blog Updates

Welcome to the most current version of GOBA's blog. Please spend a few minutes to become acquainted with your new blog. It's our technological tool for online public relations and marketing.

The  more we use our blog, the more 'spiders' will notice it and the more 'popular' it will be come. That's why I've added the GOBA Member Blogs and GOBA Member Websites; so we can all broadcast and promote our businesses online. I've included as many Oakboro websites and blogs that I can find so if you know of one and it isn't linked here, please send me the link and I'll put it up. The more blogs we have interacting among each other, the better our 'traffic' will be.

I'll be happy to answer any questions that you might have -- if I can. I've been working with as many social media formats as I can find. They're all different, sigh. It's been a learning spike instead of a learning curve.

Most sincerely, Pat Allen, Seceetary


  1. Hi! Please can you put links to the Stanly County Animal Rescue League?
