February 1, 2006

January 2006 Minutes

Welcome by Joyce Little
Glenda Austin read the Minutes. Motion to approve: Shawn Hatley, second by Bob Harvey.

No Treasurer's report given.

Bob Barbee introduced Ron Taylor who spoke briefly about the opening of The Art House.

Joyce Little welcomed Claude and Lori Morgan to the meeting.

Annabelle Morgan reported on Image TV.

Old Business
Old Fashioned Christmas was a success. Amy has sent a Thank You note to all who had a part in it. She had also sent a list of winners to the raffle tickets.

Jane Barnhardt read a letter from the Museum thanking everyone for the help planning for and during the parade.

Jerry Crayton reported on the December 31, 2005 Cruise In and New Year's party.

Joyce asked that the Cruise In committee have a meeting with some of the others to discuss the insurance issue.

Jim Cameron reported on the group of nominations for officers for the upcoming year.

President: Joyce Little
Vice-President: Buddy Starnes
Secretary: Pat Allen/Glenda Austin (backup)
Treasurer: Reggie Hinson

Motion Jim Cameron; Second Annabelle Morgan
Joyce thanked the committee for all their hard work.

Larry Branch reported on the District Park progress and the upcoming plans.

Gerald Lee read a resolution to the group asking for their support on the grants proposed for the Park. Motion: Jim Cameron; Second: Terrell Watts

Bob Harvey gave an update on the Town of Oakboro.

Bob Barbee gave an update on the Railroad Museum and stated that they are in the process of selecting a General Contractor.

Jerry Crayton suggested a gospel singing in town sometime in the spring and asked for support from GOBA. This will be discussed in February.

Joyce Little reported that a plant has been sent to Norm Thomas at Oakboro Tractor. Her father has passed away.

It was announced that 2006 membership dues are due in the amount of $5.00.

Annabelle Morgan asked that businesses please send her correct address information so they can receive correspondence from GOBA.

Bob Harvey gave a brief update on the Post Office construction. It will be postponed due Katrina.

Bob Harvey asked for help in obtaining pictures of the past mayors.

Bob Barbee updated everyone on the RR Museum and said that a group of people will be doing some brainstorming about ideas for a possible Art Crawl.

Joyce Little asked everyone to please let her know if any new businesses are opening so a ribbon cutting ceremony can be held.

The Town website (http://www.oakboro.com/) has been updated.

Adjournment 1:00 p.m.

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