March 1, 2009

March 2009 Minutes

President Jim Cameron called the meeting to order.

Dr. Terrell Watts gave the invocation.

Jim Cameron asked if anyone had any updates or corrections from last month’s minutes. A motion to approve the minutes was made by Joyce Little and a 2nd was made by Bruce Rowell.

Treasurer’s report was given by Becky Rowell and the balance as of 3/5/2009 is $xxx. For more details, please see Becky.


Libby Phillips of the Chamber announced upcoming events:

1. To attend the Legislative Breakfast, reservations must be made by March 16th; and

2. Chamber after Hours on June 18 will be hosted by Seven Oaks Hardware and Doors as part of their 20th Anniversary Celebration.

Chief Lowder gave an update on his department’s activities. He strongly encouraged everyone to lock their car doors. In keeping with the County’s educational requirements, Lt. Crayton is in training to become certified as a CSI investigator. The Oakboro Police Department is the first agency in Stanly County to send an officer for training.

Martha Stuart announced an upcoming Golf Tournament.

Ron Crowley encouraged everyone to become a Friend of the Stanly County Senior Center, which is the fundraising arm of the Senior Center.


Donna Harwood described the function of OASIS and told us how we could help. OASIS is for Stanly County residents 60 years old or older who need assistance. Volunteers are need who could serve as drivers, home repair, and donations are always appreciated.

April and Andy Morris of AExcellent Telecommunications were introduced as guests by Becky Rowell. Welcome.

Committee Updates

The magazine has been reviewed, edited, and should be ready before the next Cruise-In.

Oakboro Regional Museum will have a display on quilting until the end of March then a display on vintage tools through May.

2009 Cruise-In Calendars by Becky Rowell are on sale for $5.00 each. If you are interested in placing an ad for the 2010 calendar, please see Becky. All proceeds are for Cruise-In expenses.

Jerry Crayton said that he is getting positive feed back about trailer parking spaces.

Ron Crowley gave us an update on his wife; she is doing well.

A motion to adjourn was made by Joyce Little and a second was made by everyone as we vacated the room.
