January 1, 2009

December 2008 Minutes

Annabelle Morgan called the meeting to order & Dr. Watts gave the invocation.
The November minutes were approved as read.
Annabelle gave an updated bank balance of $xxx


Oakboro Police Department—Chief Joe Lowder gave a report that the department responded to 157 calls in November including 6 felonies. Chief Lowder mentioned counterfeit $5 bills being circulated and advised everyone to be on the lookout for those. Also, so far there have been 3 golf carts registered under the new town ordinance. Anyone interested in registering a golf cart is advised to contact the Oakboro Police Department.

Chamber of Commerce---Libby Phillips announced that the new Stanly Co. maps sponsored by the chamber are available as well as the new Scenes magazines.

CVB---Chris Lambert mentioned several area Christmas parades that are upcoming and mentioned the CVB working on a wine festival/golf tournament for April 18, 2009.

Tree Lighting Ceremony---Mayor Joyce Little reminded everyone that this will take place at 6:30 pm at the Main Street Park. Anabel Speight mentioned the storefront Christmas decorating “contest” and expressed appreciation for the participation level the Main Street businesses have shown.

Cruise-In Committee --- Bob Barbee gave and update that this committee continues to meet and is focusing on the upcoming, 2009 primary season. The next meeting for this committee will be held on Monday, December 8th at Penny’s in Oakboro.

New Business/Discussion

Larry Branch read a resolution in support of the Town of Oakboro seeking funds for Phase Four of the District Park. Mr. Branch explained what the next phase is for and that the town is in the process of applying for a grant to cover ½ of the total cost which is approximately $307,000. The resolution was presented seeking the support of GOBA. Ron Crawley made a motion to support the resolution with a second from Pat Allen. A unanimous vote by the members present passed the resolution.

Revision of By-Laws – Annabelle Morgan presented changes made to the existing GOBA By-Laws with a motion to pass coming from Becky Rowell and a 2nd from Jane Barnhardt. A unanimous vote by members present passed the motion.

Discussion of Non-profit status – open discussion was held regarding the “status” of our organization with the statement that currently we have no legal status. The proposal was made to research incorporating GOBA and then seeking non-profit status. The motion to explore this further was made by Jim Cameron and was seconded by Joyce Little. A unanimous vote by members present passed the motion.

Lisa Watts stated there would be a New Year’s Eve show at the Music Hall with the “Legends” group performing. This event will go from 8pm to 1am

Jane Barnhardt reminded everyone that the Oakboro Lion’s Club is selling luminaries that will be on display from December 19th through the 21st.


The January meeting date was moved to January 8, 2009 with a motion from Becky Rowell and second from Jim Cameron. A unanimous vote by members present passed the motion.

Nominating Committee Report – Pat Allen, chairperson, announced the proposed 2009 officers for GOBA as follows:

President: Jim Cameron
Vice-President: Ryan Story
Treasurer: Becky Rowell
Secretary: Leslie Mullikin & Bethany Ross

Pat Allen brought this as a motion from the nominating committee and a second was made by Ron Crawley. A unanimous vote by members present passed the motion.

Annabelle Morgan declared the meeting adjourned.

December 2008 Minutes

Annabelle Morgan called the meeting to order & Dr. Watts gave the invocation.

The November minutes were approved as read.

Annabelle gave an updated bank balance of $4,681.75

Oakboro Police Department—Chief Joe Lowder gave a report that the department responded to 157 calls in November including 6 felonies. Chief Lowder mentioned counterfeit $5 bills being circulated and advised everyone to be on the lookout for those. Also, so far there have been 3 golf carts registered under the new town ordinance. Anyone interested in registering a golf cart is advised to contact the Oakboro Police Department.

Chamber of Commerce---Libby Phillips announced that the new Stanly Co. maps sponsored by the chamber are available as well as the new Scenes magazines.

CVB---Chris Lambert mentioned several area Christmas parades that are upcoming and mentioned the CVB working on a wine festival/golf tournament for April 18, 2009.

Tree Lighting Ceremony---Mayor Joyce Little reminded everyone that this will take place at 6:30 pm at the Main Street Park. Anabel Speight mentioned the storefront Christmas decorating “contest” and expressed appreciation for the participation level the Main Street businesses have shown.

Cruise-In Committee --- Bob Barbee gave and update that this committee continues to meet and is focusing on the upcoming, 2009 primary season. The next meeting for this committee will be held on Monday, December 8th at Penny’s in Oakboro.

New Business/Discussion
Larry Branch read a resolution in support of the Town of Oakboro seeking funds for Phase Four of the District Park. Mr. Branch explained what the next phase is for and that the town is in the process of applying for a grant to cover ½ of the total cost which is approximately $307,000. The resolution was presented seeking the support of GOBA. Ron Crawley made a motion to support the resolution with a second from Pat Allen. A unanimous vote by the members present passed the resolution.

Revision of By-Laws – Annabelle Morgan presented changes made to the existing GOBA By-Laws with a motion to pass coming from Becky Rowell and a 2nd from Jane Barnhardt. A unanimous vote by members present passed the motion.

Discussion of Non-profit status – open discussion was held regarding the “status” of our organization with the statement that currently we have no legal status. The proposal was made to research incorporating GOBA and then seeking non-profit status. The motion to explore this further was made by Jim Cameron and was seconded by Joyce Little. A unanimous vote by members present passed the motion.

Lisa Watts stated there would be a New Year’s Eve show at the Music Hall with the “Legends” group performing. This event will go from 8pm to 1am

Jane Barnhardt reminded everyone that the Oakboro Lion’s Club is selling luminaries that will be on display from December 19th through the 21st.

The January meeting date was moved to January 8, 2009 with a motion from Becky Rowell and second from Jim Cameron. A unanimous vote by members present passed the motion.

Nominating Committee Report – Pat Allen, chairperson, announced the proposed 2009 officers for GOBA as follows:

President: Jim Cameron
Vice-President: Ryan Story
Treasurer: Becky Rowell
Secretary: Leslie Mullikin & Bethany Ross

Pat Allen brought this as a motion from the nominating committee and a second was made by Ron Crawley. A unanimous vote by members present passed the motion.

Annabelle Morgan declared the meeting adjourned.