October 8, 2008

Greater Oakboro Business Association (GOBA) Mission Statement

The purpose of the Greater Oakboro Business Association shall be to promote the economic well-being of the community through the cooperative efforts of its members and the Town of Oakboro. Such efforts may include sponsoring and participating in special events, improving the appearance of the business district, furthering the economic development of the area, and providing information and material about the area to the general public.

Any business, organization, or individual in the Greater Oakboro area interested in promoting the purpose of the organization may become a member upon payment of annual dues.

Members of the Greater Oakboro Business Association shall elect the following officers at a general meeting in January:

President – shall prepare agendas and preside over meetings of the organization.
First Vice-President, president-elect - shall act in the absence of the president.
Second vice-president – shall act in the absence of the president and first vice-president.
Secretary – shall record and report minutes and mail appropriate notices to members.
Treasurer – shall maintain and report financial records of the organization.

The officers shall comprise the Executive Committee whose powers include authorizing emergency funds, calling special meetings, and setting agendas for general meetings.

The annual fee for membership for any business, organization, or individual is $25, payable in January and valid for the calendar year.

The fiscal year for the organization shall coincide with the calendar year.

The Executive Committee shall name standing committees to include the following:
Membership – responsible for contacting businesses and organizations in regard to membership.
Beautification – responsible for recommending changes in the appearance of the business district.

The president may name ad hoc committees as needed.

General meetings shall be held on the first Thursday of each month at noon in a local restaurant. Members and guests will have lunch and participate in the business of the organization within a one-hour time frame.

The general meetings for March and October may be held in the evening to give those people who cannot attend during the noon hour an opportunity to participate. These may be held at a time and place to be determined by the officers.

October 1, 2008

September 2008 Minutes

Annabelle Morgan called the meeting to order and Mayor Joyce Little gave the invocation
The August minutes were approved as read.
Annabelle gave an update on the balance in the bank account of $xxxxx as of 8/31/2008

Guest Speaker

Kevin Brickman from the Friends of the Land in Stanly County organization was on hand to give information regarding their organization.

Kathy Almond, director of the small business center at SCC was also on hand to explain more of what that department does for local business owners and potential business owners.


Town of Oakboro---Mayor Joyce Little reported that the Golf Cart Ordinance should go into effect after the October board meeting

Convention & Visitors Bureau---Chris Lambert reminded us to check the calendar for upcoming events but he did highlight the Best of Badin Festival coming up, as well as the Scottish Showcase also in Badin.

New Business/Discussion

Annabelle Morgan mentioned the Christmas parade and tree lighting service will be on December 4th.

Annabelle also promoted the October GOBA meetings of which there will be two on the 2nd of October. Our regular meeting will be held at 12 noon at Big John’s with a special night meeting to be held at 7pm in the fellowship hall of the Oakboro Presbyterian Church.

Cruise-in –Several discussion points were brought up regarding the monthly cruise-in.
1) David & Betsy Heath suggested further rest room facilities should be offered on the south end of town in the form of portable facilities. They even offered a location at their business to facilitate this.
2) Bob Barbee mentioned that the Cruise-In Committee is a group of volunteers that meets each month, two Monday’s prior to the upcoming cruise-in at Penny’s restaurant at 5pm to discuss planning/issues and encouraged folks to attend to bring up any issues regarding this event.
3) Bob Barbee also recognized Joe Lowder for his quick response to the parking issue raised at the August GOBA meeting and expressed gratitude to Chief Lowder for continuing to work to address this issue.

Mayor Little expressed her appreciation for all the work that the Cruise-In Committee does to make this event a success.


The Stanly Co Chamber of Commerce Business Expo will be held on Wednesday October 8th from 11am to 5pm at SRMC.

Annabelle Morgan announced she will be holding a seminar on “Intro to Grant Writing” on Sept. 18th from 6-9pm at the OPC fellowship hall.

Oakboro Museum: DVD’s are still available showing the history of the 4th of July celebrations through 1971. Fred Morgan will have a book signing at the museum in October. The cruise magazine detailing the Oakboro Cruise-In will be available at the museum as well.

Special Guest: Bruce and Becky Rowell introduced Gina Creson to the group as their special guest.

Annabelle Morgan declared the meeting adjourned.