President Joyce Little welcomed the group and called the meeting to order.
The invocation was given by Jim Cameron.
Minutes were read by Secretary Pat Allen. On a motion by Jim Cameron and a second by Felix Hinson, the minutes were approved as read.
In the absence of Treasurer Reggie Hinson, Joyce reported that, after all the bills were paid, GOBA has (withheld) in the bank.
Chris Lambert of the CVB reminded everyone of the Fall Feast and Ghost Walk coming up.
Sophia Costner handed out announcements about the Chamber’s Reverse Raffle and Silent Auction.
Oakboro Promotions
Gretta Lint updated the group on her promotional activities:
She has identified two new automobile markets for Oakboro: Rolls Royce & Bentley auto clubs and the Rebel Region of Rolls Royce Owners; these groups will, in turn, contact other British import enthusiasts and tell them about Oakboro.
The marketing plan is finished. Meetings for everyone to see and sign-up to participate in the plan will be announced soon. The plan is based on volunteer efforts. It includes branding, promotion, and real estate topics.
Gretta also talked about advertising in Our State Magazine as a ‘remnant’.
She described a BLOG and how to use it as free promotional opportunities.
Old Business
Tom House has started working on the second volume of the Oakboro Magazine. He has begun selling ads for about the same price but the difference is that this volume will be a 15 month magazine instead of the 12 month volume of last year. He hops to have a proof ready by October.
New Business
Bob Barbee suggested that we get the Old Fashioned Christmas on GOBA’s radar for September because it will take time to plan this event.
Jim Cameron said the July 4th Celebration was successful to the tune of about $20,000 but exact figures are not yet available. The profits will go toward the purchase price of $350,000 of a new fire truck.
Bob Harvey said the rail road museum how has stakes in the ground. Progress!
The District Park is in the final contract phase. A workshop at Town Hall will be held for finishing those details. Please call Town Hall for time and date.
On his Sidewalk Update, he said that he believes the Town and the DOT have finally gotten together on their engineer challenges. Maybe it will be finished soon. Maybe.
Bob Barbee asked who waters the potted plants around Town. Bob Harvey said he would look into this today and get the plants watered.
Pat Allen passed around a Membership Roster for everyone to verify/update their information.
Welcome new members Bruce and Becky Rowell!
The meeting was adjourned on a motion by Bob Barbee and second by Gerald Lee.
September 1, 2006
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